IPAGOLD’s program
What are IPA-Gold ?
With every purchase, you'll gather IPAgolds and register progress to reach ranks that will grant you discounts! Every time you reach a new rank, you will be debited of its amount in Amount spent.
Once acquired, this rank will be maintained for a year, plus the months that separate you from the closest Great Reassessment.
The Great Reassessment occurs twice a year, on april 30 and October 30.
Twice a year, a reassessment of the ranks is done. As you can see, you must spend a certain amount during the year to keep your rank.
Thanks to the ranks, you can get up to 20% off the entire shop! If your rank is not maintained, you will be downgraded to the previous one. NB: discounts acquiert through IPAgold rank does not apply to dinged or on sales products.