Welcome to the Independent Publishers Alliance!
The Independent Publisher Alliance team is proud to present its new gameshop! This website aims to distribute board games directly from independent publishers to gamers ensuring exclusive content and offers.
IPA-gameshop.com provides you with games from more than 60 publishers and will give you access to more and more Ultra Late Pledge content over the months.
What will you find on ipa-gameshop.com?
- A large selection of boardgames from Independent Publisher Alliance members and their partners
- Numerous accessories for your favorite games
- Ding & Dents from our wharehouse; a great deal to acquire games with little to no damage at lower cost.
- Ultra Late Pledges : an exclusive selection of late pledges from Kickstarter, Gamefound, etc.
- a whole series of news, articles and content offering a deep dive on the boardgaming actuality
What is the Independant Publishers Alliance?
Created in 2024, the Independent Publishers Alliance(IPA) is an initiative designed to champion and elevate independent board game publishers.
The idea of the IPA was born nearly two decades ago, in an era when the board game industry was a tight-knit community. Back then, everyone knew everyone, and a strong sense of camaraderie prevailed. Over the years, the industry has undergone a great transformation. Massive corporations have entered the market, either growing from within or acquiring smaller companies. These corporations often seek to establish monopolies and control the market through mass marketing and agressive deals. This trend has become increasingly prevalent in many entertainment sectors, from books and comics to movies and video games.
A decade ago, a new hope (get it?) emerged with the rise of crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter. These platforms offered aspiring publishers a chance to bring their dreams to life, and some have achieved incredible success. However, the landscape has evolved, with crowdfunding campaigns now often requiring significant upfront costs. While still achievable for passionate individuals, the financial barrier has become more substantial.
The IPA was founded with the goal of highlighting and encouraging independent studios through mutual support. We believe that gamers should be aware of the differences between these studios and larger corporations, and we strive to connect like-minded individuals who share a true passion for boardgamind and unbridled creativity.
By fostering collaboration and community, we hope to empower independent publishers and ensure a thriving and diverse industry!
On the IPA webshop, you'll find thrilling games from more than 60 independent publishers, with access to ultra late pledges, exclusive releases, and a whole series of news, articles and content offering a deep dive on the boardgaming actuality.
We thank you for your support,
The IPA team