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Meeple Circus - Cabossé
Cabossé - Les boîtes peuvent être plus ou moins endommagées (couvercle enfoncé, coin écrasé, légères rayures...) mais leurs contenus restent toujours intacts.
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TOMATOES: During the third round, before each act, one player (other that the one who is performing their act) is designated as the tomatoes thrower.
That player takes 5 Tomato tokens from the reserve.
As soon as the performance starts, the tomatoes thrower will throw tomatoes at the performing player (making sure not to disturb the performance) in three different cases:
anytime one or more components fall
anytime you hear a big cymbal crash (after 1 minute, and then every 20 seconds).
if the performing player forgets to say "tadaaaa" at the end of their act.
Note: A player cannot get more than 5 tomatoes during an act. At the end of the game, the player (or players) who got the most tomatoes loses 3 Applause, and the player (or players) who got the fewest tomatoes gains 3 Applause!
AWARDS: At the beginning of the game, each player takes an Award token from the reserve.
Before the game ends, each player must have given their token to another player (at any time) and must explain why they did it. Examples: because that was the most amazing performance of the game, because this is a perfect execution of a challenge, because it was the funniest act.
At the end of the game, each Award token is worth 2 Applause.
If a player forgot (or did not want) to give their Award token, they lose 4 Applause.
Jeux familiaux
Cabossé - Les boîtes peuvent être plus ou moins endommagées (couvercle enfoncé, coin écrasé, légères rayures...) mais leurs contenus restent toujours intacts.
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Montez trois spectacles dans votre cirque, en empilant les acrobates et les animaux avant la fin du temps imparti.
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extension pour le jeu Papillon.
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Aidez le collecteur d'Os en exhumant les tombes et en disposant les ossements dans la crypte.
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Le nouveau show du Meeple Circus!
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Nouvelle édition collector de Takenoko version « géante »
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