- Ding & Dents
Ultra Late Pledge
EMBER : Obsidian Protocol -...
A special dices set designed for the game EMBER: Obsidian Protocol.
Learn more +- Ultra Late Pledge
Ding&Dents = DAMAGED - The boxes and covers may have varying degrees of damage (dented lid, crushed corner, minor scratches), but their contents remain intact.
learn more +Every game of Oath contains countless stories. Use this journal to record them!
Room for a Hundred Generations. Record each game and its victor on a special page designed by Kyle Ferrin.
Wall of Records. Use the journal's endpapers to note the rise and fall of empires as well as the cards that are being added to the game's deck.
Ultra Late Pledge
A special dices set designed for the game EMBER: Obsidian Protocol.
Learn more +Accessories
Expert Games
The pyramid add-on is perfect for those that wish to elevate the game’s already impressive table presence even further!
Learn more +Ultra Late Pledge