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Children's games
Well done gardener, you have splendidly performed your duties by taking care of the imperial panda. As a reward, the Chinese emperor hands you over a second animal's care and not just any one! You will need to try twice as hard to take care of the couple... and also their babies!
Takenoko: Chibis includes a miniature of the female panda, nine different tiles for the baby pandas, six plot tiles, 18 cards, and 17 bamboo pieces.
The new resident of the bamboo plantation gives you access to new objectives and actions. Miss Panda is a lot less greedy but she can give birth to adorable babies! Brightem up your garden with new plots and create a little paradise on earth for all the members of this little family!
Children's games
Family games
Ding&Dents = DAMAGED - The boxes and covers may have varying degrees of damage (dented lid, crushed corner, minor scratches), but their contents remain intact.
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Family games
Family games
Strategy board game about cycling that leaves no room for chance, no dice, no cards.
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This extension for Murano Light Masters contains 2 modules: Challenge and The Glass Festival.
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