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Pourrez-vous survivre jusqu'à l'aurore ?
Une fois par génération, la Lune de Sang commence un cycle descendant, baignant le royaume d'une clarté livide. Affectés par sa sinistre présence, les morts sans repos sortent de leurs tombes, les vampires chassent des proies sans méfiance et les sorcières se livrent à des rituels nocturnes. Pire encore, l'effroyable Loup-Garou rôde dans la nuit, à la recherche de héros avec lesquels partager sa malédiction.
With over 100 Adventure Cards, plus new spells, characters, and alternative endings, Talisman: The Blood Moon Expansion adds a gripping layer of gothic horror to your quest for the Crown of Command.
In addition to a host of new challenges, including a bloodthirsty Werewolf that prowls the land, time alternates between "Day" and "Night" under The Blood Moon. The new Time Card flips between its Day and Night sides to indicate the inexorable passage of time. Whenever a player draws one or more Events on his turn, he flips the Time Card, a seemingly minor change with a range of game-altering consequences. Whereas creatures are slightly weaker in the cold light of day, they grow bolder at nightfall.
What's more, a number of new Adventure Cards have varied effects depending on the time of day; the night can usher in the Witching Hour, during which spells are more prevalent...or a thick Moon Mist can descend on the land, inhibiting safe travel until dawn.
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Ding&Dents = DAMAGED - The boxes and covers may have varying degrees of damage (dented lid, crushed corner, minor scratches), but their contents remain intact.
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